The good fat?

We live in a fast food culture and multiple health problems are being tied to the fats contained in the meals.  Health insurance costs are crushing and quality of life is diminished by chronic illness.  What may surprise you is that many foods that you buy in grocery stores contain these fats too.  Now, what if fat was actually good for you instead?  It is, depending on the type.  Did you know that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are actually good for your heart and have multiple positive health impact for those who consume them on a regular basis.  Maybe it's time to switch to "the good fat."

Here are some sources of healthy fats:
File:Cloudy olive oil1.jpgOlive oil
File:Making vinaigrette.jpgSafflower oil
File:4 gallons of peanut oil.jpgPeanut oil
File:Flax seeds.jpgFlax seed
File:Coconut pong inside.JPGCoconut

So, now that you know where to find healthy fat for your diet, why should you actually make the switch?  Here are a few reasons:

  • Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's
  • Reduce the risk of cancer
  • Help skin look more healthy
  • Lower cholesterol
  • May help manage blood sugar levels
  • Help prevent heart disease
  • Metabolize stored fat
  • Maintain energy levels

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