Health benefits of Brussels sprouts

When we were kids, these were the enemy.  Now, they may be one of your best allies when it comes to staying healthy and avoiding disease.

Steam Brussels sprouts or eat them raw to retain the greatest amount of beneficial nutrients possible.

Anti Cancer:  Brussels sprouts contain sulforaphane, which is believed to fight cancer.

DNA protection:  Indole-3-carbinol is found withing Brussels sprouts.  This compound is known to repair DNA in cells and also seems to have some anti cancer properties as well.

Bone health:  Regular consumption of Brussels sprouts is believed to help build and protect bones over time.

Anti aging:  This vegetable has strong antioxidant qualities.  Free radicals and toxins in the body cause damage and inflammation which leads to scores of health problems including serious disease and increased aging both internally and externally.  Since these toxins are removed by eating Brussels sprouts, the beauty-conscious may want to include these in their diet.

Fiber:  Brussels sprouts are a good source for plant based fiber.  Fiber can help the body process sugars and maintain regular digestive flow as well as further toxin removal.  A diet rich in fiber could help normalize blood sugar levels and naturally lower cholesterol.

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