Natural remedies for the flu

It seems every cold season, people are rushing to get injections.  Why not live more healthy and avoid the pinch in the first place?

Keep calm and avoid needles!

Here are some extra benefits from eating these natural flu fighters:

Citrus:  Lemons help to balance the body's ph if taken with water first thing in the morning.  They also detox the body and lower bad LDL cholesterol levels.  Eating lemons regularly may help to prevent viral infections as well.  Mandarin oranges contain a flavanoid called hesperedin which works in concert with vitamin c to help in collagen production, helping slow down aging.  Oranges are loaded with vitamin C, the detox vitamin, and flavanoids which protect the heart by removing free radicals from the body.  Grapefruits have been shown to help with losing excess weight and contain anticancer compounds as well.  Limes are good for the skin and can be used for a natural non toxic deodorant.  Limes are also known for anti cancer effects.

Apple cider vinegar:  Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels which allow for less storage of excess fat.  Women with yeast infections have been known to use apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment.  Surprisingly, apple cider vinegar contains beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from toxins and slows aging.  Since apple cider vinegar lowers harmful LDL cholesterol, it can be a great way to naturally prevent heart disease.  Apple cider vinegar has anti inflammatory effects which can be utilized internally for systemic inflammation or externally for skin irritation.

Peppermint:  A long day of stress on the job can be treated by adding some peppermint oil to your bath and breathing in the cool aroma.  Indigestion can also be treated by taking peppermint.  Peppermint has antiseptic properties and can be applied to skin abrasions or bug bites for relief and protection against infection.  Even pimples and acne are believed to be treatable by using essential oils form the peppermint plant.  Respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis can be treated by breathing the vapors of peppermint oil.  Peppermint contains 3 omega fatty acids and scores of vitamins and minerals to promote better health overall.

Oregano oil:  Antioxidant properties of oregano oil make it an ideal way to naturally reduce aging due to the fact that it flushes toxic compounds from the blood stream.  A powerful natural antibiotic, oregano oil has been known to do battle with some of the harshest infections around including staph and e coli.  Women can benefit from taking oregano oil as it helps to alleviate abnormal menstruation.  A digestive aid, oregano oil stimulates bile production.  The anti inflammatory properties of oregano oil make it and ideal way to naturally treat allergies and congestion.

Garlic:  When crushed, biochemical reactions occur that result in the creation of allicin, a heavy hitting antioxidant that not only protects against heart disease and other conditions resulting from oxidative damage, but is also now known to be a potent anti cancer agent.  Garlic is also known to help the body maintain healthy blood sugar levels and promote healthy cholesterol while lower bad cholesterol.  Garlic oil has a powerful anti fungal and anti microbial effect as well as tumor fighting qualities.

Echinacea:  Strong antimicrobial properties make this herb a natural antibiotic.  In addition to fighting infection, it can also be used topically for sunburn and other skin irritation.  Ear infections and sinusitis have aslo been treated in the past using echinacea.  This herb is also highly recommended for colds, flu, and upper respiratory infections.

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