Health benefits of Celtic sea salt

Forget boring old table salt, nature has your back!

Throughout the day we perspire, losing much needed water and minerals.  Did you know that salt can actually help you retain some of that life giving water as well as help prevent illness?

Immune system:  Celtic sea salt is believed to help prevent illnesses and disease when consumed regularly.

Ph:  Maintaining alkalinity is key to preventing several illnesses including cancers and makes your body an unsuitable environment for harmful bacteria and viruses.  This salt can help to alkalize the body at the cellular level and the mineral load of celtic sea salt furthers the process of balancing your body's ph.

Muscle health:  Celtic sea salt contains sodium as well as a great deal of electrolytes which can help to naturally prevent muscle cramps.

Brain health:  Neurons in the brain can benefit from the intake of Celtic sea salt.  Furthermore, this salt helps to remove excess acidity and toxins from brain cells, preventing damage and promoting healthy transmission of neuron signals.

Energy:  The proper balance of salt and hydration is crucial to maintaining stamina and healthy energy levels throughout the demanding day.  Electrolytes present in Celtic sea salt further promote sustained energy.

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