Green onion as alternative medicine

The real reason you want green onions in your refrigerator goes far beyond spuds!

Green vegetables are healthy all around and keeping your intake of them up will lessen the chances of you setting foot in a doctors office.  Onions are extraordinarily healthy, but did you know that green onions, or chives, can boost your health significantly.  Next time you make a salad, don't forget to include some fresh chives for added flavor and healing! 

-Immune system:  Flavanoids found in green onions, natural plan based compounds known to protect and heal tissue in t he body, such as quercetin are thought to help with healthy immune system function.

-Anti oxidants:  Green onions contain vitamin C, also known as the detox vitamin, which carries toxins out of the body which would otherwise wreak havoc throughout the body and contribute to several different ailments.  Vitamin A is also found in green onions which has antioxidant properties as well.

-Eye health:  The vitamin A found abundantly in green onions is known to promote healthy eyes and vision as well as helps to prevent age related vision problems.

-Anticancer:  The flavanoids contained in green onions are believed to help fight cancer and reduce the risk of having cancer develop in the body.

-Inflammation:  By removing toxins from the blood stream, vitamins C and A help to protect the organs in the body from coming into contact with these free radicals which cause inflammation.  Systemic inflammation is being linked to several serious diseases.

-Bone health:  Green onions contain vitamin C and vitamin K which are absolutely essential for building and maintaining healthy bones as well as preventing osteoporosis and bone fractures.

-Heart health:  As stated before, vitamin A and vitamin C help to detoxify the body of damage causing free radicals which are linked to the development of heart disease, one of the leading killers among people living in developed countries.

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