Naturally reduce inflammation.

Several diseases and serious health conditions can be attributed to inflammation in the body. 

Just about all of our habits in life either cause or reduce inflammation.  There is no such thing as a free lunch, so if you want to avoid chronic health problems due to inflammation, a nutritional approach is a must.

     Up front, inflammation can be associated with increased aging but many people may not realize that inflammation is a hidden cause behind some of the most serious age and non age related diseases.  Inflammation is actually a reaction by the body to protect itself from trauma and toxins, but too much inflammation in the body can send your system into chaos.  Autoimmune disorders, asthma, arthritis, and allergies are related to inflammation but chronic systemic inflammation in the body can give rise to frightening health problems such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, and even cancer.
     Unfortunately our environment is filled with toxins and microbes that cause the body to have an immune response which includes inflammation.  What makes it worse is that a large part of the diet of a person living in a developed country includes processed food items that further cause inflammation, literally keeping your body "under attack" constantly.  If you are willing to make the proper lifestyle choices, you can prevent some serious illnesses and even slow down aging.  More and more people are taking the nutritional approach to health rather than taking a gamble with overly processed, chemical laden, cheap food and ending up in the hospital.  Remember that nutrition is natures health insurance and each time you eat you have the opportunity to strengthen every cell in your body or pump your system full of toxins.
     We all know that junk food is not good for you but keep in mind that it can actually kill you if you eat it regularly and eating healthy to promote good health and avoid the doctor's office doesn't mean you have to eat unappetizing food.  Olive oil makes a great delicious alternative to butter.  Avocado and nuts are good substitutes for meats.  Fruit juices in moderation and water in place of soft drinks will boost your health significantly.  Gluten free breads, pastas, and cereal alternatives are growing in numbers and being carried by more and more grocers.  Forget diets and make a lifestyle change that will save you pain and suffering and will even keep you looking younger for longer.

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

"Nutrition is nature's health insurance."

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