Quinoa the granddaddy of the grains!

Called the gold of the Incas, quinoa has been around for thousands of years and was believed to increase the stamina of ancient Inca warriors.
File:Chenopodium quinoa in flower.jpg

Here are some health benefits of this mega grain!

Metabolism:  Quinoa contains riboflavin or B2, which helps with energy metabolism within muscles and the brain and also aids in energy production in cells.

Protein:  Absolutely packed with protein and all 9 essential amino acids, quinoa is considered a complete protein.

Manganese:  Quinoa is loaded with manganese, an antioxidant that protects cells in the body against damage brought on by free radicals and also guards against damage to mitochondria during the process of energy production.

Fiber:  Fiber is already known to ease constipation and other digestive problems, but did you know that fiber can reduce your risk of heart disease by reducing high blood pressure?  Fiber also helps because it makes you feel fuller and takes more effort to eat so takes longer and helps curb overeating.  Quinoa contains nearly twice the fiber of other grains too!

Iron:  Iron plays an important role in blood health.  It is the basis of hemoglobin formation and red blood cells rely upon iron to stay healthy.  Iron also helps with neurotransmitter synthesis, enzyme activity, energy metabolism, and the regulation of your body temperature.  Since quinoa contains iron, it should be included in any vegetarian or vegan diet to replace the iron that absorbed by eating meats.

The list goes on and on.  Quinoa can have a huge impact on your health and provide a great nutritional alternative to meat for people looking to begin a vegan or vegetarian routine.  Quinoa can be prepared in several different dishes and has a great taste and texture.  And, nothing tastes better than nutrition, nature's health insurance!

Here is a great way to prepare quinoa!

The Most Nutritional Food in The World

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