Huge results from juicing raw cannabis!

     It seems that every year there is a new expert or study coming forward with compelling evidence of the fantastic medical powers contained in the cannabis plant.  Conditions like diabetes, inflammation, cancer, infections, depression, pain, and sleep disorders can be treated naturally using various cannabis strains.  With health insurance and cost of living to consider, should we be looking to nature for our healing needs?  Even strains that have zero psychoactive effects contain compounds that battle illnesses and free radicals while delivering sweet relief to patients.  Smoking cannabis yields some pain and appetite stimulation effects for terminal patients but is not the ideal method of medicating using cannabis as fire destroys up to 80% of the beneficial compounds in the plant matter.  Rick Simpson, the legendary cannabis activist from Canada, uses essential oils from cannabis to cure not just terminal cancers but other serious and deadly health conditions.  The concentrated oil is extremely effective, but is there yet another approach to medicating with this wonder plant?

Check out and share this video on the benefits of juicing Cannabis!

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