Bread Alert: Gluten could be deadly!

Know if you have gluten intolerance

All to often is gluten intolerance misdiagnosed.  Symptoms are mistaken for a different condition while the patient continues down the path that led to health problems in the first place.  Although some people are highly allergic to gluten and cannot have any in their diet at all, there are also varying degrees of sensitivity and many don't know that gluten is a problem for their health.  Aside from the fact that gluten can cause a great deal of inflammation, it also blocks the body from absorbing nutrients and has been also linked to excessive weight gain also known as "wheat belly."  There are several food and even non food products that contain gluten but it is worth the effort to eliminate it from your diet as much as possible.  There is a growing number of gluten free products and many gluten free breads taste even better than regular wheat or bleached flour breads.  Pastas, pancake mixes, and cereals are sold in major supermarkets that are gluten free and can soften the blow of removing wheat and other gluten containing foodstuff from your meal plan permanently.  Take action now!  Here are some symptoms of gluten intolerance.

-Dizziness and feeling off balance

-Gas and bloating 

-Feeling run down after eating a meal containing gluten

-Depression and anxiety


-Diagnosis of several different types of autoimmune disorders

-Hormone imbalances or infertility



-Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia

Photo credit: 3268zauber

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