Health wonders of pineapple

Pineapple is a popular tropical fruit.  You can find it as an ingredient in fruit salads, cooked dishes, or as a meal in itself.  Not only is pineapple delicious and versatile for cooking but you can also benefit greatly from eating it.  Pick up a pineapple from the grocery store, enjoy a nutritional boost and grow a pineapple tree!
Forget candy or greasy donuts, nutrition is nature's health insurance.  Here is how you can prevent disease by enjoying pineapple and how you can turn any pineapple you eat into a pineapple tree of your own!

Vitamin C:  Vitamin C is hailed as "the detox vitamin," removing free radicals from the body that may cause damage to various organs and tissue.

Alleviate arthritis:  The natural anti inflammatory effects of pineapple can do wonders for arthritis patients.  Pineapple also strengthens the bones and can be helpful with similar conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and gout.

Prevent macular degeneration:  Macular degeneration, which is caused by damage to the retna, is a major cause for vision loss in adults.  Pineapples contain beta carotene which helps maintain eye health.

Fiber:  Fiber is an important part of the digestive process.  It helps move food through the body and remove waste while also lowering cholesterol and managing blood sugar levels.  When you eat food that contains a good amount of natural fiber, you will feel more full too.

Improve digestion:  Pineapples contain bromelain which helps tremendously with digestion.  Bromelain helps to process fluids taken into the body to make sure that they are not too acidic and regulates pancreatic secretions to aid in digestion.  Brmelain also has a good impact on the digestive track because it has protein digesting properties.

Vitamin B:  Pineapple contains vitamin B which can aid the body in metabolizing fats and digesting proteins.  Vitamin B is also thought to help lower the risk of developing cancer as well as heart disease.

Grab a whole pineapple, cut off the spiny outer skin, core it, and lob off the stem that has leaves growing out of it on the top.  Place the top in some fresh water and some sunlight until it grows roots and then plant in your garden or a flower pot to transplant later.  Enjoy the fruit and enjoy watching your new pineapple tree grow!

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