Health benefits of raw cacao

Did you know that chocolate has an unprocessed, raw cousin that is actually very healthy?

     Chocolate lovers, don't break out your party hats just yet!  There is a difference between cocoa and cacao, most notably the fact that one is heated and processed and the other is the raw form of the bean.  The fruit of a South American evergreen tree, cacao beans have been used throughout the continent and Central America for hundreds of years.  Though there is no doubting the popularity of chocolate, many people don't understand the true healing power of this literal superfood and the far reaching health benefits of the raw form.  When processed, cocoa is heated, turning the omega 6 fatty acids rancid, which in turn causes inflammation in the body after ingestion.  Also the antioxidant power is greatly diminished upon heating and nutrients depleted   Commonly, sugar and dairy is added to make chocolate candy products or drink mixes.  In fact, it is more difficult to find unprocessed cacao with nothing added than the sugar-laden and nutritionally inferior version.  Raw cacao, however, can be found at most health food stores and some large grocers in the form of raw beans, nibs, or powder.  So, why should you go through the extra trouble to get it raw?  Here is the reasoning.
     As stated before, the nutrient profile of cacao is greatly diminished once it is heated, and what is worse, sugars are usually immediately added.  Sugar causes the body to become more acidic which increases the chances of developing a long list of illnesses including deadly conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.  Dairy is also added to much chocolate that can be found in stores and is known to cause inflammation and is not heart friendly.  Raw cacao, in contrast, has a massive payload of disease preventing compounds and even has been shown to fight depression.  In fact, cacao contains phenethylamine which is considered to be responsible for the emotion "love."  Zinc, iron, protein and calcium add to the nutritional strength of this superfood.  Strangely enough, a Dutch study on chocolate showed that even people who regularly ate processed chocolates had lower instances of every major disease than those who ate little to none.  The study concluded that there is no "upper limit" for chocolate consumption and even claimed that the more chocolate you eat, the healthier you will be and longer you will live.  So, if the processed and inferior version of this superfood shows so much promise, wait and see what raw cacao can do for your health.
     Another study performed in South America observed two similar tribes living in the dense rain forest.  One tribe consumed a raw cacao drink daily and the other tribe did not have that food source available in their diet.  The tribe that consumed cacao regularly, again, had lower disease rates and longer lifespans.  Yoga instructors are even beginning to incorporate chocolate into their routines for its known effect of relaxing muscles while sharpening mental focus.  Still not convinced?  A French woman who is documented to have lived longer than any other human in history, claimed to have ate over 2 pounds of chocolate weekly, and the second oldest person consumed chocolate gratuitously as well.  As soon as you are done reading this article, grab your keys, drive to the health food store, buy some raw cacao, and start improving your quality of life now!

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