Health benefits of celery

Known for its crisp and crunch, what celery should really be known for is its positive effects on your health.

Juice, blend, or enjoy the crunch of this disease preventing veggie for longer life!

-Anti cancer:  Coumarins are compounds that are found in celery and can prevent various types of cancers from forming.  At least 7 other different cancer fighting nutrients are also found in celery.

-Weight loss:  Though celery itself does not necessarily burn fat, it contains a great deal of dietary fiber which is filling and hardly any calories to go along.

-Cholesterol:  Raw celery juice can be used to help naturally lower unhealthy LDL cholesterol, thus protecting the heart and blood vessels.

-Kidney health:  Removing toxins from the body helps almost all living tissue avoid damage.  Celery is also thought to help prevent the formation of kidney stones as well.

-Blood pressure:  Phtalides are found in celery, which can naturally lower blood pressure by supporting proper blood flow.  These compounds dilate blood vessels by relaxing the surrounding muscles. 

-PH:  Celery or celery juice can help to balance the body's ph.  By preventing your system from becoming acidic, you greatly lower the chances of infections and cancers.  Alkalinity also supports healthy nervous system function.

-Digestion:  The plant based fibers contained in celery can provide for regular, non-strenuous bowel movements.  Celery is also thought to relax muscles overworked by taking store bought laxatives.

-Inflammation:  Celery is believed to have strong anti inflammatory effects.  Inflammation is an underlying cause for several diseases including heart disease, cancers, arthritis, gout, and autoimmune disorders.

-Exertion:  After a long strenuous workout, drinking celery juice is an effective natural means of replacing vital electrolytes that have been depleted throughout the course of sustained exercise.

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