Health benefits of taking naps!

Time to put the world on pause and take a while to recharge!

One of the secrets to long life that centurions share, besides a proper nutritional profile, is taking naps.  Naps seem to accompany success.  Some famous nappers include:  Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Ronald Reagan!

The hustle and bustle of business life can really tax the body and test the mind.  In the United States, sleep deprivation is prevalent.  The pressure to perform, make quotas, and deliver results often translates to very early mornings and late nights at the grindstone.  It seems that when productivity and earning needs a boost, the first thing to suffer is our sleep, but could that be more costly in the long run?  Studies show that the risk and seriousness of some diseases significantly increases when inadequate sleep over a long period of time is added to the equation.  It is thought that bad sleepers are more likely to have heart disease and even 5 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who catch all their needed Zs.  There are many figures tossed out about how many hours of sleep you need every night, but it seems to hover around 7 or 8 hours from one expert to the next.  The best bet is to not let your nightly routine fall below 6 hours as deep cycle sleep, known as Rapid Eye Movement or REM sleep, is crucial for brain function and we simply perform at a lower level mentally when we are behind on catching REM sleep.  If you can find a place where you will not be disturbed and get from 15 minutes to an hour nap, it can make a tremendous difference.  A NASA study concluded that naps could improve performance of pilots up to a whopping 30% and their alertness by 95%!  15 to 20 minute naps can have a huge impact on your health and sharpness, but if you are behind on sleep, try to take an hour.  

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