10 helpful tips for diabetics

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While the standards of processed foods plunge, the instance of chronic illness rise along with health insurance costs.  In 2011 25.8 million adults and children were diabetic.  Here are 10 steps you can take to ease the symptoms of diabetes:

  1. Do some kind of exercise every day.
  2. Do not eat immediately after working out.
  3. Don't eat fast, chew, taste, enjoy each bite to the fullest before swallowing.
  4. Add wheat bran to wheat flour to a 50/50 ratio which increases beneficial fiber in the diet.
  5. Eat at designated times and do not overeat!
  6. Drink a lot of water.  It helps to remove toxins from your body.
  7. Have a fresh salad before or with every meal.
  8. If you are taking insulin, make sure you eat 3 proper meals a day and have snacks in between.
  9. Eat at least 20 to 25 grams of raw onion each day.
  10. Make sure the gaps between your meals are short and avoid fried food and sweetmeats.

Another thing you could do to improve your overall health is to reduce the amount of heavily processed foods you eat, avoid tobacco, and avoid alcohol.

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