If this petition gets 100,000 signatures Monsanto products could be banned from America!
Someone just commented this on our page. Current signatures 1. But that is all that is needed. 1 good idea in the hands of wise people. Never under-estimate the power of one.
Update!*** The petition to BAN MONSANTO FROM AMERICA has received almost 6,000 signatures in less than 24 hours!! We have 29 days left to hit 100,000 to be taken serious. Get this everywhere! If this petition gets 100,000 signatures Monsanto products could be banned from America! Those who say it can't be done shouldn't interupt those who are doing it!
UPDATE*2 --> 8,000 signatures! Day 2
UPDATE*3 ---> Almost 17,000 Signatures - Day 7! (Picture below)
Here is another petition:
Mandatory GMO labeling -- It already has 85,000!
We are the first to share this petition so do us a favor and help share this article. We will keep this updated as the signatures come in. If this is still a democracy let us speak.
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