Health benefits of alfalfa sprouts

Most of us know alfalfa as feed for livestock, but if you eat alfalfa sprouts, you may end up "as healthy as an ox" as well!

Adding sprouts to your morning breakfast could offer a huge health boost!

-Anti microbial:  Compounds called saponins found in alfalfa sprouts have a cleansing and infection fighting effect that can be useful in preventing illnesses caused by invading microbes in the digestive tract.

-Fiber:  Since alfalfa sprouts are a good source of fiber, they can be helpful to people who have digestive issues.  Also, dietary fiber is useful in maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.  

-Anti Cancer:  Plant based compounds within alfalfa sprouts are believed to fight and destroy cancer cells of several different types.  Among these are lung, colon, breast, and cancers of the blood.

-Anti viral:  Viral infections can be battled or even prevented due to plant based compounds called saponins contained within the sprouts of alfalfa.

-Anti inflammatory:  Consuming the sprouts of alfalfa can reduce the production of inflammation causing toxins within the alimentary canal of the digestive tract.

-Heart health:  Due to their anti inflammatory properties and the fact that the fiber contained in these sprouts helps with cholesterol levels, the chances of developing heart problems can be reduced by consuming them.

-Anti Fungal: Saponins contained in alfalfa sprouts have been shown to help clean out the colon, removing harmful fungal impurities.

-Arthritis:  Once again, inflammation causes havoc in the body but can be reduced by adding alfalfa sprouts to your sandwiches, soups, or smoothies daily.  Arthritis sufferers benefit greatly from foods with anti inflammatory effects.

It is important to remember that while some consider alfalfa seeds to be a good source of nutrition, you should wait and sprout them before consuming.  Data shows that saponins, the anti inflammatory healing agent contained in alfalfa sprouts, increase over 400% due to the chemical process within the plant of sprouting. 

Throw 1 banana, 3 strawberries, a tablespoon of raw honey, a cup and a half of almond milk, a tablespoon of coconut oil, a hanful of kale, and a half cup of alfalfa sprouts in a blender for a mega healing breakfast smoothie for 2 that tastes too good to be healthy!

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