Death by sugar!

Some experts compare processed sugar to heavy drugs

Processed sugars are among the top unhealthy food components that are far too prevalent in the modern diet.  Diabetes, tooth decay, and even cancer are connected to the excessive consumption of processed and refined sugars.  Try to get your sweet fix by munching on some fresh berries, a banana, or an crisp juicy apple which all contain fiber that will balance out the natural sugars and provide a sustained natural energy boost.  Here are some of the negative effects of consuming processed sugar:

-Heightened diabetes risk

-Oral health problems

-Disrupted metabolism

-Faster aging

-Weakened immune system

-Heightened cancer risk

-Weight problems

-Kidney damage

-Skin problems

-Sleep disruption

Since sugar is separated from its nutritional components when it is refined, it is considered empty calories.  In fact, refined sugar actually requires the body to spend important nutrients in order to process the pure sugars which cause shock in the system.  Consuming fructose increases the uric acid presence in the body which can cause low level inflammation, leading to various other health problems.  Consuming processed sugars over a long period of time creates a suitable environment within the body for infections and bacteria to thrive.  Acidic blood, which is achieved through a poor diet usually consisting of too much processed and even natural sugars, greatly increases the risk for developing cancer as well.  There is a misconception that juicing fruits is a healthy practice, but the fiber from the fruits must be consumed along with the plant based sugars to help digest and moderate blood sugar absorption.  Instead, eat or blend the fruit and save green vegetables for the juicing.

Photo by: Lauri Andler

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