Water Is Life For The Human Body

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The majority of us are chronically dehydrated and don't even know it. Did you know that when you are chronically dehydrated your body actually stops feeling thirsty? Also, often times when you feel hungry, it is just another way your body is trying to tell you it is thirsty.
It is impossible for your body to function properly while dehydrated.
You may have problems concentrating
Your blood slows down creating high blood pressure
Muscles can ache, cramp or you may even wake in the night with a Charlie Horse
Your liver does not function up to par which slows down your body's detoxification creating illness and diseases. Cancer occurs when your body cannot eliminate the toxins faster than you put them in. This is why the liver is vital for healing cancer
Your skin becomes dry and crusty. If you are looking to look younger, drinking plenty of water will help.
There are a lot of figures out there which will tell you how much water to drink but I'm going to say that if you don't drink at least 100 oz a day, your body is paying for it. Also, almost everything else you drink such as soda, coffee and alcohol all dehydrate you. This figure may sound high but your body will help you. The more water you drink the more your body tells you that it is thirsty. Build up to this number slowly if you need to. Just keep improving.

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