If you have not heard about the herb Neem, it is time!
Neem is a powerful popular herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It has an incredible amount of uses from helping with digestive issues to healing skin problems. It can be taken orally or topically. The Neem tree lives up to its name, 'The Tree of Life.'

Here are the 10 best uses for Neem:
1. Immune System Support and Booster ~ Neem has antibacterial, antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is also rich in antioxidants which fight off free radical invaders that can damage cells and lead to illness. Coughing can also be reduced by drinking neem water.
2. Skin Healing and Support ~ Neem has anti-inflammatory properties that help calm inflamed or irritated skin. It can help with skin issues such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Take a bath with Neem Leaves or mix with coconut oil and put on the skin.
3. Anti-inflammatory ~ Neem has anti-inflammatory properties and is used in conditions such as arthritis, muscular pains and inflamed wounds. Heat Neem Oil with Coconut Oil and massage into aching joints.
4. Dental Health ~ Neem can be used in toothpaste or mouthwash to prevent gum disease and cavities. Neem prevents the gums from becoming irritated and inflamed and prevents the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. The twigs from the tree were used for centuries to brush teeth.
5. Parasites ~ Neem can be used to combat intestinal worms. Drink Neem tea to kill ring worm and scabies.
6. Insect Repellant ~ Neem is a natural insect repellant. It is safe to use on the body to keep pests away. It can also be used in shampoo to get rid of lice. Put oil in hair and let sit overnight. Neem oil can also be added to dog shampoo to kill flees and ticks. Another use it to make a spray to protect your garden from pests.
7. Digestive Issues ~ Neem Supports a healthy GI tract and helps to process foods to prevent digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation.
8. Liver Supporter ~ Neem helps the liver function properly by filtering out toxins so it can work properly. Use of Neem also recommended for treatment of jaundice.
9. Warts, Cold Sores and Herpes ~ A paste of Neem powder can be applied to warts and herpes and other viral issues.
10. Cancer treatment ~ Neem has been known to reduce the size of tumors when it's injected around the area.
There are many more uses for this Wonder Herb. Neem is a fast growing tree which makes purchasing the powder, leaves, seeds or flowers inexpensive if you cannot find a tree growing near by. I personally have used it as an insect repellent for my entire family, (dogs and plants included). I have also used it to relieve skin issues and I use it for dental health.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the 'Tree of Life' and find below some of the products that I have developed using Neem.
Thank you for joining me on my journey to live as close to the Earth as possible!
With Gratitude,
Natural Cures Not Medicine
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