Natural treatments for hepatitis C

Schisandra:  A study was conducted on a Japanese herbal medicine that contains schisandra showing the mix to have antiviral effect on hepatitis C.

Ginseng root:  Ginseng is used to strengthen the immune system and may even be useful for other types of liver conditions.

Milk Thistle:  Probably the most studied and widely used herbal remedy for hepatitis C is also safe to take with few side effects.  A study showed milk thistle may reduce the levels of hepatitis C virus in individuals who did not benefit from conventional treatments.

Licorice root:  A substance found in the dried roots can be used to treat hepatitis C.  When used in conjunction with milk thistle and other herbs, those who took the mix had improved measures of liver enzymes.  Licorice root has some side effects and can interact with medications such as heart medications, diuretics, and corticosteroids so be careful.

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