home made healing salad dressing recipe

Next time you chop up some fresh veggies for a salad, try putting together a home made dressing filled with invigorating and healing ingredients.

Everything we eat either contributes to our health or takes away from it.  Here is a good recipe for a delicious, natural, healing salad dressing:

2 cloves of garlic:  The allicin in garlic is a powerful antibiotic which even shows promise in use against serious infections such as tuberculosis and MRSA.  Garlic also detoxifies the body, and helps to lower the risk of heart disease.  Garlic was used by ancient Roman and Egyptian workers for improved physical stamina.

1 thumbnail sized slice of fresh ginger:  Ginger is a potent pain killer and has anti inflammatory effects.  Studies have shown that ginger can slow the growth of some cancer cells and even cause cell death in ovarian cancer cells.  Ginger can also be taken for motion sickness and heartburn.

1 lemon's worth of juice:  The citric acid in lemon juice can help to dissolve calcium deposits, kidney stones, and gallstones.  Lemons contain vitamin C, the detox vitamin, which sweeps away free radicals that can cause damage to tissue in the body.  The hesperetin found in lemons can help with allergy symptoms.

1/4 cup olive oil:  Monounsaturated fats contained in olive oil help the body to manage cholesterol.  Extra virgin olive oil triggers apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in cancer cells.  A chemical compound present in olive oil possesses anti inflammatory properties.

  1. Finely mince garlic and ginger.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  3. Add to your favorite salad or grilled veggies.

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