Hemp saved ex president Bush Sr.'s life

George H. W. Bush was part of the torpedo squadron VT-51, based in the pacific.  On September 2, 1944, Bush's plane was shot down during a bombing run over Chichi Jima island, an important strategic location for Japanese forces.  Bush and another one of his crewmen bailed out of the burning plane but the third crewman went down with the plane.  Bush was alone in the ocean right off the coast of the island when a submarine on patrol found and rescued him.  Bush's life saving technology, the parachute, was made from hemp, a strain of cannabis.
File:SBDs and Mikuma.jpg
It was not just his parachute that was made from hemp either...

-The stitching his shoes

-All the rigging ropes on the ship that transported him

-Parts of the plane's engine were lubricated with hemp seed oil

-The fire hoses on the ship

Even though hemp was outlawed in 1937, it was quickly reintroduced for the war effort in 1942.  100% of the parachute webbing was made from hemp and saved Bush's life that day but he has spent the greater part of his life trying to stifle the use of cannabis.

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Tommy Chong says HEMP OIL WORKS!

Cured: A Cannabis Story (A film by David Triplett)

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