Health benefits of lavender

Most likely known for its use in lotions, perfumes, and soaps, lavender is known for its wonderful smell and brilliant purple blooms.  However, there are some other uses for this special herb that could surprise you.


-Lavender relieves tension and anxiety naturally.  Crush the leaves in your hands or rub lavender essential oil on your temples for some stress reducing aromatherapy.

-Adding lavender essential oils to your bath will help to soothe and relax tired muscles.

-If you have a burn, inflammation, or irritation, you can use lavender oil topically to soothe.

-Lavender can provide a natural alternative to chemical laden perfumes and colognes.

-Lavender helps you sleep better.  Add some lavender essential oil to a spray bottle and lightly mist your bedspread and pillows before calling it a night.

-A natural antiseptic, lavender oil can be applied to skin abrasions to guard against infections.

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