This is another version of the fat flush water, it also promotes energy and good health. There is simplicity in this mix: All of the ingredients are natural, clean, pH/metabolism-boosting diuretics. This means that you are literally giving your gut a cleansing, alkaline bath! After steady consumption of drinks like this, coupled with a lean diet, the body begins to operate at optimal levels: You feel it in your energy levels, you see it in your skin, your belly flattens out, and you begin to feel the addiction to sugars lessen.
It is delicious, ad it will be in my refrigerator in the next few days! This drink can play a huge role in your flat belly diet! Enjoy!
2 liters water
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
1 medium cucumber, sliced
1 medium lemon, sliced
12 small spearmint leaves
Place all ingredients in a large pitcher, let blend together overnight, the next day drink the whole pitcher during the course of the day. Add this into a consistent, lean diet - and a moderate exercise routine - and it's "Hello, fast weight loss!"
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