How To Beat Diabetes Naturally

The presenter of this video discusses the causes of diabetes and how to treat it naturally. He suggests that the best way to defeat a lifestyle disease such as diabetes is to stop what is causing it, and take up habits that promote good health.


Most Americans on a high meat diet eat between 14 and 20 grams of plant fiber every day. The ideal vegetarian diet provides 65-70 grams. Insulin must hook up on one side with sugar (glucose), and the other side must slide into insulin "docking sites" (receptors) on cells. For sugar to be properly utilized, the docking sites must be filled with insulin. Here is another advantage of a high fiber diet--the fiber increases the number of docking sites. 
Obese individuals have fewer insulin receptors, hence fewer sites for sugar-hooked insulin to slide into. Fasting for several days, until the blood glucose returns to normal, multiplies insulin docking sites. This usually takes three to five days, and should be done only in type II (or "adult onset") diabetics. Type I diabetics should never fast. If the person is obese, fasting for a day or two a week, non-consecutively, can be very helpful for diabetic control.

(This is not the video, image used for thumbnail)

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