80 Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Recipes

My Crock-Pot (aka – slow cooker, CrockPot is actually a trademarked brand name) has not only become my best friend, but it has been my saving grace too! As a busy momma with hungry boys to feed, I spend a LOT of time and energy planning and preparing meals. And I’ll be honest, sometimes I get fed up with feeding people. (what momma hasn’t?) That is why I’ve come to rely heavily on my slow cooker as of late.
I try to make 3 slow cooker dinners per week, typically on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m finding this to be working out really well for us. It saves me time in the long run to prepare ahead like this, and it saves me stress. Not to mention, it’s helpful on those nights I’m picking kids up from activities or headed to my son’s football games (now that football is over, it’s wrestling season -do you have any idea how long wrestling meets are?).
Making dinner while everyone is under foot is quite a challenge. Add to that, needing to pick up kids from activities after school, finish house chores, do homework, as well as keep the boys from harming each other or the furniture. Making dinner while the kids are home, hungry and waiting is often NO FUN at all. Taking about 20-30 minutes during the day to prep ahead has made all the difference for me. While some of the slow cooker meals I make are indeed one dish dinners, some are not. However, making a side dish right before dinner is FAR easier than cooking the whole thing from scratch. Plus, while I get my slow cooker meal going, I also make sure I’m as prepped as I can be to make any additional side dishes closer to dinner time. Seriously, my life has taken on new meaning with my trusty slow cooker pulling it’s weight!
Today, I’m here to share an arsenal of slow cooker recipes with you, in case you are like me and are wanting to turn dinner time into a more pleasant and feasible experience. All the recipes will be gluten free. They come from other real food bloggers across the web. These recipes include a lot of dinner options, as well as a variety of others – like sauces, jams/jellies, yogurt and more! There are also some repeat recipes, like pulled pork and roasted chicken, though they vary slightly -so I shared them anyhow.  I’m so excited because now I have more recipes than I could ever dream of to try in my slow cooker. Oh, and I’m also gonna share a bunch of slow cooker cookbooks and an eBook you can check out, in case this list of 80 recipes isn’t enough for you! Let’s dive in shall we?!

80 Gluten-Free Slow Cooker Recipes

 Main Dishes- Chicken/Turkey

Main Dishes – Beef/Bison

Main Dishes- Pork/Lamb


Vegetables/Starchy Sides

Fruit Options


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