37 Amazing Uses For Cornstarch

Again this week my family and I have come up with with another long list of uses for a common household product, This week it's cornstarch. Other than the common use, as a thickener for gravies, it can be used on your skin, your hair, as a cleaner and even for some fun projects that will keep the kids entertained. 

As I'm doing this series, there has not been a week that has gone by that I'm not completely amazed at how versatile all of these products are. Despite my amazement I'm a little upset that I didn't know all of this information when I was younger. To think, all of these years I have been paying big money for name brand products when all I had to do was look in my cupboards for a more economical solution. 

Enjoy the list and as always if you have any additional uses I would love to hear them.


More Modern Uses:
  • Ornaments – to make your own, mix 1 cup cornstarch, 2 cup baking soda and 1 ½ cup water in a large saucepan. Cover and cook over medium heat until the mixture becomes thick. Remove from heat and cover with a damp cloth. When cooled to the touch knead until smooth. Roll out to ¼-inch thick, cut  and place on a baking sheet in a 250 degree oven for 20-30 minutes.  Paint. 
  • Moon Sand – to make your own, mix ½ cup cornstarch and ¾ cup liquid starch over medium heat. Add 1 cup of fine sand and stir. Lay it out flat on a baking sheet and allow it to dry in the sun. 
  • Watercolor Paints – to make your own, mix 1 tablespoon white vinegar and 2 tablespoons baking soda in a small bowl. When mixture stops foaming add 1 tablespoon cornstarch and ¼ teaspoon glycerin. Add food coloring to tint. 
  • Clay – to make your own, mix 1 cup cornstarch, 2 cups baking soda and 1 ¼ cup water. Knead until well mixed. Related Post: Make your own Garden Stakes.
  • Jewelry Clay – to make your own, mix ½ cup cornstarch, ½ cup salt and ¾ cup flour. Slowly add warm water to create clay. Shape as desired and air dry. Paint.      
  • Face Paint – to make your own, mix 2 parts cornstarch and 1 part vegetable shortening or cold cream. To tint add food coloring. 
  • Finger Paint – to make your own, mix ¼ cup cornstarch and 2 cups water in a sauce pan. Boil until the mixture has the consistency of paint. To tint add food coloring. 
  • Paste – to make your own, mix 3 teaspoons cornstarch and 4 teaspoons cold water. Mix well.

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