Top flowers to grow for bees.

Albert Einstein once said, "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left." 

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It is simple: No more bees; no more pollination; no more plants; no more animals, no more man.

The not-so-new crisis with the decline in bee populations is far more dangerous than the average person can imagine. So, while population science plays catch-up, and while we continue to fight big corporate GMO conglomerates that relish the opportunity to spray the earth with toxic pesticides, there are plenty of things that we, the little people, can do to help out the cause.

Above is a list of some of the more attractive, high-pollen, plants which can be grown in your yard, on your apartment's roof-tops, or hanging outside of your window, in a clay pot. Thankfully, not only will the bees enjoy it - you will, too!

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