Tap water, well water, distilled water...Which one is best for you?

Image: http://mayapedal.org/gallery.en

Water... This amazing matter found everywhere on our beautiful planet and in ourselves.

Without it, there would simply be no Life of any forms. Water is the source of any life forms, from the creation of our planet to the last state of the human evolution passing by the survival of the worlds flora to the air we breath. Water is THE most important element on Earth and without it nothing would exist.

Some people always like to argue with me saying that Water is not the most important element to survive and that we could live without it as long as there is Oxygen in the air. Obviously, those people have no idea and knowledge of basic biology. Here is the reason why Water is the most important element for survival:

When you hear about Scientist and Astronomers looking for other life forms and Earth like planets that could maybe sustain Life, the first thing they are looking for is Water and nothing else. Now think about for a second how oxygen is produced. Oxygen is produced by plants and trees around the world. Plants and trees uses CO2 (Carbon dioxide) to survive and produce O2 (oxygen) as a waste product that is then released into the air and therefore allows us to breath. However, in order for a plant or tree to survive, it also needs water, and a lot of it. Without water, there would be no plants and trees, without plants and trees there would be no oxygen, without oxygen and water there would be no Life. It is all a circle called the circle of Life, that goes round and round but always comes back to the same point, in this case: Water is the source of Life and survival and without it, there would be plain nothing!

Now, let's focus more on us, humans. Our body is made of 70% water. Water is part of our natural and organic structure. Water in our body plays a major role in keeping the body functions at maximum levels by a process called hydration. Proper hydration of your body on a daily basis is essential and the purest water must be used to sustain and offer the best benefits to the body.

Now, there are a lot of different types of water out there that you can drink to satisfy your thirst and hydration. However, like everything else, some water are better than others and that is what we are going to look at now.

Let's start by the most popular of all, TAP WATER. Well, to make it simple, like my Naturopathic teacher liked to say to us, shame on you if you drink tap water lol. Tap water comes from collected waters from grounds, river, lakes, reservoir or recycled and then is treated with a bunch of different chemicals to "purify it". They are more than 350 chemicals detected in most tap water, out of these 350, 4 are of major concern for our health. Chlorine, which is added to kill bacterias has been showed to be carcinogen in high levels. Chlorine destroys your natural guts flora thus depletes the immunity, leaked to colon and bladder cancer, dries skin and hair out and could lead to vaso-constrictive effects for asthmatics if used in a steam form. Fluoride, as most of you know, is a poison added to many of our everyday products like tap water, toothpaste, cheap commercial teas, beauty products, etc... fluoride is a toxic substance, leading to mainly health problems like bones, dental, neurological, mental and emotional disorders as well as affecting the memory and intelligence of individuals. The problem with fluoride is that most people are not aware that they are two main forms of it, the first being SODIUM FLUORIDE, which is an aluminium waste product sold to companies by chemical industries instead of paying for the aluminium waste removal for destruction. Sodium fluoride is used as additive agents as well as preservative and has absolutely no beneficial effect for humans. Sodium fluoride get stocked in the body and builds up instead of being flushed out, that is when toxicity arise. The other form of fluoride is CALCIUM FLUORIDE which is not used in common daily products unfortunately for obvious non profitable reasons. Calcium fluoride is a natural compound found on Earth, proven to be much more efficient, safe and natural than sodium fluoride, do not lead to toxicity and build up in the body as it is processed and flushed out very easily via natural excretions, support bone and dental health. So quit the sodium fluoride loaded products, read all labels and choose fluoride free, supplement in calcium fluoride via fresh balance diet, mostly via fruits, veggies, all raw on a daily basis and if you have dental or bone issues, CALC FLUOR  as homeopathic remedy is the best to complement and help the body to self heal. Then there are nitrates and aluminium sulfates which as fluoride and chlorine are inorganic compounds and not recognized by the body. Those two compounds depletes vitamins, minerals and hormonal levels and linked to neurological disorders like Alzheimer's, dementia. etc....

Now let's talk about the second most common form of water we know, which is the BOTTLED WATER. Bottled water is found anywhere. This water is classified by the source it comes from, either be spa, spring, factory and it's mineral content. It can be found either still or sparkling. Sparkling bottled water is a water that has been carbonated either naturally or artificially with carbonate. Sparkling water can interfere with digestion if consumed while eating. In any cases, if you drink bottled water, which most of us do, always choose the natural spring one or bottled at source and read the label to see if any fluoride has been added. However, bottled water is still not the best water you can drink as it is still a chemically processed form and in most cases high levels on chlorine.

SPRING WATER as said above is a form of natural water rising straight to Earth's surface from underground natural reserves. Even though this kind of water is better than tap and bottled, always look out for the environmental area, farming, pollutant, close highways and cities all depletes the pure state of spring water. The best spring water i have found so far is when i went hiking in Switzerland, at 2000 meters altitude, in the middle of the mountains with nothing around but Nature. Untouched, unspoiled water that the locals like to call the Source of Life.

REVERSE OSMOSIS water is a form of water that has been filtered through microscopic filters which removes all minerals and toxins, pesticides and herbicides. However, nitrates can still remain, mainly nitrates from fetilizers. This water is about 80 to 95% pure. There is a way to get reverse osmosis water at 99%pure by de-ionoze it with a resin which attracts and removes all remaining impurities. Excellent form of water.

Now the last one, DISTILLED water which is considered to be the best form of water for the body. Distilled water is made by boiling it to create a steam and then collect this pure steam which is free of any pollutant, chemicals, viruses, bacteria, minerals etc... the result of this is a 100% pure water. Distilled water is acidic and therefore excellent in the removal of heavy metals and toxic inorganic matter build up in the body. Distilled water is used in the Gerson therapy for cancer treatments. Patients raises their Ph levels by drinking all fresh raw juices alongside distilled water to help push away the toxins and facilitate natural excretion and elimination. Distilled water is the most hydrating water there is for your cells and contrary to certain rumors and myths made by modern medical researches, it does not pull out your organic minerals from your body. Do not store distilled water in plastic bottle due to its acidity.
So, what can we conclude of all this then?

Well, always look for the purest form of water, try out reverse osmosis or distill it yourself or even better if you have a natural source up high in the mountain with no negative environmental interference, go get some. Look at the labels, remember that inorganic compounds are not processed and well recognized by your body and are not eliminated naturally like it should, so they build up in your body leading to hardening and toxicity, therefore imbalances and disease. Organic and natural is the key to survival. Fresh, natural water, 1.5 to 2 litres a day alongside a proper, balance, fresh nutrition, some forms of exercises, positive thinking, chillax times is what your body needs. Just remember to not drink while eating. It dilutes the stomach acids and make the digestion harder. Drink 30 minutes before and after each meal for maximum stomach functions.

Water is source of Life, source of energy so respect it, learn from it, love it and most importantly don't waste it!

Source: theholisticdirectory.co.uk

About the author

Brandon from Brighton
I am a Holistic Health practitioner. I am all about take it easy, keep things simple and balanced and enjoy what Life, World and Nature have to offer. Check my Facebook page out : The Holistic Dude

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