Study finds plants don't grow around strong Wi-Fi signals

The world, as we know it is, is run by machines of industry. Those machines are run by computers. Those computers, and every other device on the face of the earth are powered by the Internet and, more specifically, Wi-Fi. 
Wi-Fi technology is used by personal computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, Bluetooth hands-free handsets, wireless video game consoles, MP3 players, smart meters and other wireless applications. One router can fill a house, or a compound, full of high-speed connectivity, penetrating walls, doors, ceilings, and floors, does Wi-Fi penetrate us? And could this constant barrage of electromagnetic radiation have adverse effects?

Do you even care? Well for those of you that do, the evidence, which links exposure to Wireless Internet and a number of illnesses, continues to mount up. And while it is possible to limit the exposure of Wi-Fi, we now live in a world where every coffee shop, grocery store, and Church has wireless connections available, and penetrating us - regardless of whether or not you have the network's password.

Since the dawn of Wi-Fi is so recent, no studies have yet been done on the long-term health effects of Wi-Fi. However, thousands of studies have been done on the health effects of mobile phones and mobile phone masts. These studies have found that mobile phone radiation can cause cancer!

The health dangers of Wi-Fi radiation are also commonly dismissed because Wi-Fi is so convenient (and who can argue with that). However, scientific studies suggest that prolonged exposure to the low-level electromagnetic radiation can cause many health problems. Among these potential problems are headaches, concentration problems, dizziness, aniety, memory loss, depression, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rates, seizures, epilepsy, nausea, skin rashes, insomnia, ringing ears, high blood pressure, brain damage, autism, diabetes, fibromyalgia, infertility, birth defects, DNA damage, leukemia, cancer, etc.

Some schools have reported alarming upswings of children experiencing these headaches after their campuses made the switch to wireless. Parents have been flooding town hall meetings, and petitioning their local representatives to look into the developing phenominon, as countless children are experiencing everything from headaches, anxiety, and nausea, to loss of consciousness, and fainting. Even more disturbing, is that almost all of the symptoms only manifest while on school grounds, where the Wi-Fi is being pumped throughout the buildings.

Now, the first thing we asked was: "We hear about GMOs, the radiation in the Pacific ocean, chemtrails in the sky, and flouride in our much farther do we go before we are walking around, dressed in tin foil bodysuits?" 

One possible answer, we have found, isn't that dismal.

With new technologies and innovations, we have always had to allow for the gradual passage of time to measure its effects; whether or not the technology was efficient, or whether a drug did more harm than good. In the case of Wi-Fi, we know the good it provides, and we know the efficiency it has boosted in both the business and recreational world...but perhaps this is the phase in which we learn to balance the act? 

- Turning off all devices while sleeping could be a much needed break for your family's physiology.

- Keeping routers in strategic areas of the house, so that internet access is available, but you or your family aren't constantly sitting near the epicenter of the radiation source.

- Make sure that you, and your family, are getting sufficient amount of time outside to balance out all of the device-fondling, and video-gaming that is being done through-out the week.

With research battles raging in Canada and the US, it seems the best thing the public can do - for now at least - is wait, stay informed, be proactive, and see what results.

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