This short video, put out by the Canary Party, sheds some much needed light on the corrupt National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). Many people have no idea that they are held financially responsible when a child is injured by a vaccine instead of the actual manufacturer.
The rule in DC is if you have enough money, you can write a law that will insulate you from risk. You can be declared “too big to fail” and pass your liability onto the tax payers. This is exactly what the vaccine manufacturers did in 1988 with the passage of The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, the so-called “vaccine court.” This program has boosted vaccine sales growth immensely since its induction, largely because manufacturers now have zero liability for the products they produce.
You can actually prove that you or your child was harmed from a vaccine yet the vaccine maker is completely shielded from liability. Even if you are awarded monetary compensation through the NVICP, the tax payers are put on the line, NOT the vaccine makers. This removal of liability has created the incentive to turn out new vaccines for profit with very little testing, which in turn has shaped the situation that we find ourselves in today. In the last 2 decades, we’ve witnessed a near 300% increase in the number of CDC recommended vaccines.
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Source: realfarmacy.com
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