This might be the most eye opening video you will ever see

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Without saying a word this 6 minute video will open your eyes to a world normally hidden from cameras. This is not sustainable. This is mass murder of our furry friends. The more I personally learn about the food industry the more I want to become a vegan. This is truly devastating. 

This is why we push for more organic farming, more free range and less commercial farming. 

They are trying to block this video! We found another one! here below:

Below is an image from the start of the video that shows a robotic device gathering up the chickens in one of the most in-humane ways possible. These chickens have no place to move, will suffer unmeasurable pain going through this device and then into drawers where they wait for the next phase.

Below is the image of inside this meat factory, people as far as the eye can see cutting up flesh and weighing it as fast as possible so the world can eat it's "fast food" and "civilized" luxury food.

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