With the latest oil rig catastrophe today and the increasingly common sight of oil spills in the ocean and on land, new solutions are being developed to combat this pollution of our health and environment. With the traditional "solutions" to cleaning oil spills coming under increased scrutiny for their lack of effectiveness, bacteria and mushrooms are now being used to naturally clean up oil spills.
Mycoremediation is an incredible technique using fungi to break down oil and other contaminants. This short film shows how the Amazon Mycorenewal Project initiated the first ever trials using myco-remediation in highly polluted areas of the Ecuadorian rainforest.
For more information, including how you can help to support this project: http://bit.ly/Gaiamycoremediation
To help support this important work, please donate here: http://bit.ly/HelpCleanForests
More information:
How fungi -- mushrooms -- mycelium can help save the world http://bit.ly/65J05u
Paul Stamets is a guru of all things Fungi http://www.fungi.com/mycotech/index.html
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