Natural Cures For PMS

Many women the world over suffer from PMS. Symptoms can vary, the most common being, headaches, bloating, mood swings, breast tenderness, hot flashes, lower back and abdominal pain.
Fortunately, there are ways to combat the bothersome monthly demon without the use of pain killers. Foods and herbal supplements can all be beneficial. Understanding which foods our bodies need in the time leading up to and during a menstrual cycle can really make a big difference. Making simple changes to your food diet at least a couple of weeks in advance can actually help. It wont necessarily eliminate the problems completely, but studies have shown that they can certainly have a massive, positive impact.

Beat PMS with these superfoods:                                                

  1. Iron rich foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, egg yolks and for those who are not vegetarian, red meat, shellfish and poultry. Add some vitamin C rich foods or supplements to maximize the absorption of iron into the body. This will help account for the tiredness due to blood loss during a menstrual cycle.
  2. Bananas are a fantastic way to ward off  PMS. They are a fantastic source of potassium, zinc, fiber, calcium,  folic acid, B6, and iron. It's because they are packed full of goodness that they can replenish depleted nutrient levels caused by menstruation.
  3. Fat, the healthier type can actually help stop unwanted food cravings. Eating foods such as walnuts, oily fish or adding healthy oils such as coconut and olive in your meals can be of great benefit. 
  4. Calcium and Vitamin D can reduce symptoms of pain, bloating, cramps and food cravings. Excellent sources of calcium (other than dairy products) are brazil nuts, collard greens, molasses, kelp, sesame seeds and fish.
  5. B Vitamins are a great way to relieve PMS symptoms. B6 and B12, folate, thiamin and niacin. Top foods containing these are beans, dark leafy vegetables, milk, red meat and oranges. 

Herbal Supplements for PMS:

  1. Vitex or Chaste Tree, is probably the most common used herbal supplement for PMS.  It helps with heavy bleeding, irregular menstrual cycles and general reproductive health.
  2. Cramp Bark, is well known for easing (as the name suggests) menstrual cramps.
  3. Raspberry Leaf Tea, is fantastic for strengthening the uterus and helping symptoms of heavy bleeding and pain.
  4. Black Cohosh balances hormones due to its natural estrogen properties.
  5. Ginger helps relieve pain, gas and bloating.

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