Health benefits of cinnamon

You might think spicy candy or sticky sweet breakfast rolls, but how does a longer lifespan sound as a benefit of using this tasty spice?

It tastes good and will make you feel great!

Cinnamon has been known to beat acne when applied as a mask with some raw honey.  Thought to be a brain simulating spice, many claim that eating cinnamon or candy containing cinnamon before and during an exam will help to boost brain function and memory while also reducing nervous tension.  Cinnamon is believed to help prevent heart disease by aiding lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.  Cinnamon may help to naturally relieve migraine headaches as well.  Women can benefit from cinnamon, which helps to treat discomfort associated with menstruation.  If you have diabetes or need to lose excess weight, cinnamon may be a helpful natural remedy.  It has been shown to naturally balance blood sugar levels while stimulating increased insulin production.  Cinnamon is believed to also battle various types of cancer cells in the body.  Cinnamon can be added to food as a natural preservative due to it's antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.  In fact, cinnamon is believed to be able to kill e-coli bacteria in unprocessed fruit juices as well.  Cinnamon has been used by the Chinese for centuries for treating multiple illnesses and to increase energy and vitality, and is considered as nothing short of a wonder spice!

Now that you know some of the healing power of cinnamon, add some to your hot cup of coffee or tea and feel the natural boost while protecting yourself from pathogens!

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