Garlic does more than you think!

Flavor doesn't even scratch the surface:

Photo by Francesco Perito

Used in food and medicine for several thousands of years, garlic is used across the world from Asia to South America.  Though the flavor is popular, studies are now showing that natural compounds in garlic have some potent healing effects.

Allicin, the super antioxidant:  Many experts agree that the main active ingredient in garlic is allicin.  Allicin is a compound that is created when you damage the cell walls of garlic cloves by chopping or crushing the garlic.  Studies have shown that allicin breaks down and rapidly interacts with free radicals in the body helping to prevent tissue damage in people who eat it regularly.  Allicin is also believed to have powerful antibiotic properties.

Garlic for your heart:  Heavy antioxidant activity in garlic helps protect against damage to tissue and prevent heart disease, but some studies even suggest that garlic can help prevent blood clots.  What's more, eating a bulb or two of crushed garlic daily can possibly help to scrub away plaque buildup in the blood vessels and reverse heart disease.

Fight cancer naturally:  Garlic has been shown to slow the spread of different types of cancers in studies on rats.  Since garlic helps to fight harmful free radicals, it lowers the risk of cancers developing in the body.  Some studies suggest that garlic contains compounds that stimulate production of anti cancer enzymes.  Garlic oil is also believed to shrink tumors.

Garlic is truly a wonder herb.  It has antiviral properties, anti fungal properties, fights bacteria, helps with cholesterol, manages blood pressure, and greatly boosts antioxidant activity in the body.  Remember that many experts are recommending 1 to 3 cloves of garlic a day, finely minced or crushed.  Although cooked and dried garlic is shown to have some of the same health benefits as fresh cloves, the potency is no comparison and fresh pulverized garlic is the best for healing.  To maximize the healing potential and get all the anticancer benefits, break down the clove finely and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes before consuming.  Mix with some olive oil and dip some gluten free bread into it for a great heart saving snack!

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How To Use Garlic as a Natural Antibiotic

Uses of Garlic

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Natural Cures Not Medicine

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