Enhance Your Sex Drive Naturally

Herbs have been used as a method for enhancing sex drive for thousands of years.

Sex Drive can be affected in a number of ways. Testosterone levels can affect sex drive; personal circumstances related to work and family, can inhibit it too; as well as psychological factors, like personality and stress. Lifestyle,medical conditions, relationships problems and medications can also play a major part in decreasing sex drive.

Fortunately there are a number of Natural Remedies, for both men and women, that can help. Listed below are the 6 most popular:

Ginseng: Known primarily for its energy enhancing powers it helps improve mental and physical stamina providing a good basis for significantly increasing sex drive in both men and women.

Ashwagandha: This is known in India as a male herbal sexual health tonic.It works by increasing blood circulation to the male sexual organs.

Yohimbe: This is considered to be one of the most potent herbs for male sexual dysfunction. It is so potent that, if consumed in excessive amounts, can cause blood pressure related issues. It is available in supplement form and used in the right dosage can be a good natural way to increase sex drive. There have been no conclusive studies as to whether it is suitable for women and therefore it is not recommended due to the risk of side effects.

Damiana: This is a herb traditionally used by the Mayan people to enhance sexual function in both men and women. Although there is currently no scientific evidence to support this, it has been used to improve both mood and sex drive.
Horny Goat Weed: Also known as Yin Yang Hue has the benefit of improving overall health whilst helping with sex drive and stamina. The only negative side to this herb is that it takes approximately one week for the effects to be noticed.
Maca: This is one of the oldest known sexual enhancement herbs, being used as far back as the Incas. It is also commonly know as Peruvian Ginseng. It is particularly effective for women.

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