Aspartame Kills

Monsanto's Aspartame & Phenylalanine Business is now owned by Listerine.

A warning: Do not ingest ASPARTAME! -

 Nutrasweet - Equal - Creatine - Canderel - And many others...

Just like fluoridated water - aspartame is literally a poison in almost ALL of our food. Aspartame causes seizures - brain tumors - multiple sclerosis (ms) and Grave's disease. In 1970 scientists fed milk with aspartame to 7 monkeys to study the effects. The final results: starting after 218 days - 5 monkeys had grand mal seizures and 1 died. IT'S IN ALMOST ALL OF OUR FOOD! 


HISTORY OF ASPARTAME - Check out the history...

The deadly artificial sweetener Nutrasweet is produced by feeding fossil fuel oil to ecoli that are genetically modified to DEFECATE aspartame as feces. Not so sweet after all is it?

Some video evidence:

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